Sunday, June 22, 2008

Changes to the UU Grounds

Some amazing things are happening at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Concord, NH. Located at 274 Pleasant Street, just a tad west of Concord Hospital, the church is blessed with a large and lovely piece of land. Recent, exciting changes on the UU grounds have inspired me to try my hand at blogging, so others can get a sense of what is happening, add their comments, ideas, clarifications, and maybe learn the difference between carrot greens and weeds, and how to leave the hose after watering...

One of the on-going challenges for the church has been maintenance of the grounds, and in at least the recent past, any accomplishments in this area have been due to the work of the Building & Grounds committee, the facility manager, and a handful of dedicated church members. One well-established and well cared for garden is the Memorial Garden, located behind the church in a natural, wooded setting.

Recent History: 2007
Some very cool changes during the past the spring of 2007, with an emphasis in the Religious Education (RE)'s youth program on involving children in nature, as part of the congregation's start at becoming a Green Sanctuary through the UU Ministry for Earth, the RE program installed three raised beds in the front lawn. The children planted vegetables which were happily eaten throughout the summer and fall.

In July 2007, under direction of the Koerbers, volunteers from the Volunteers for Peace International Service Project hosted by the church helped create a brand new kitchen teaching garden, filled with herbs and greens from the Koerbers' farm.

In the fall of 2007, the church council voted to approve an ad hoc group to explore options regarding the ideas of a thrift store and a fresh food pantry. Separately, for the fall Service Auction, the Building & Grounds committee put up for bid two Green Sanctuary Garden prepared plots of 1000' sq. feet in the church front lawn.