Thursday, July 10, 2008


In May, Fran Phillipe, adorned with gardening hat, announced her Adopt-a-Spot plan during a Sunday Service Matters of Our Lives. She and Ken developed a map of highly visible areas of the church landscape that needed improvement. Church members and friends were able to go check out the various areas, marked with numbered stakes, and then sign up to adopt the "spot" of their choosing on the well-designed tri-fold display board map of the locations. Folks who were unable to commit to adopting an area but still wanted to participate could purchase a hanging basket, or contribute toward the cost of new plantings. A few Sundays later, nearly all of the 17 different spots had been adopted.

Prior to the June 8 Sunday service celebrating Marcel & Ellie and the potluck picnic that followed, Fran created classy markers with the names of the adopters, and placed them in the adopted spots.

Take a walk around and appreciate the new and improved landscape. Lots of blooming flowers right now in many of the adopted spots.

1 comment:

Peggy and Tom said...

As I walk around the church grounds, I am impressed and amazed at the beauty. What a wonderful idea for community building. Hats off to Fran!